Aug 30, 2021
Lee Camp joins us to watch CJ's first day as the second most important human being on the planet.
Aug 23, 2021
Jed's solved the Middle East problem, but those pesky Republicans are standing in the way with some truly insane demands. Also, whither Leo?
Aug 16, 2021
We kick off the 6th season with this deep dive into The West Wing's Middle East solution with Abby Martin, and a special report on the California recall with Shanti Singh. Plus, Josh reads Vogue's amazing Jen Psaki profile to Dave.
Aug 9, 2021
We felt bad abandoning you for a week, so it's an extra special one for you.
We asked the great economist Professor Richard D. Wolff to check our homework on Talking Points, the dreaded NAFTA episode we covered a few weeks ago.
We also got the real deal from our good friend Pete D'Alessandro, who was on the ground in...