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The West Wing Thing

Oct 7, 2019

Episode 22 “What Kind of Day Has It Been?”

It's the action packed finale of the first season of The West Wing, and we celebrate by talking with Luke Savage, whose Current Affairs article HOW LIBERALS FELL IN LOVE WITH THE WEST WING is the seminal work in the field. 

We'll be taking a brief break, but we'll be back...

Sep 30, 2019

Episode 21 "Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics"

In which Josh and Dave hype the other West Wing podcast, attempt to bring back the word “pud,” reveal who can beat Trump in a debate, and discuss what might actually be the worst line ever uttered on The West Wing. 

And on The West Wing, the gang sacrifices a live cow to...

Sep 23, 2019

Episode 20 "Mandatory Minimums"

Joey Lucas is back, Josh wears his special suit, and the mating habits of emotionally stunted man-boys take center stage. Plus, the dark West Wing past of a Democratic presidential hopeful is laid bare for all to see. 

Sep 16, 2019

Episode 19 "Let Bartlet Be Bartlet"

In an obvious response to our many criticisms of the show, Leo and the gang determine to buckle down and get real about using the power of the White House to actually get something done. 

Sep 9, 2019

Episode 18 "Six Meetings Before Lunch"

Josh argues reparations with a new black character, Sam gaslights Mallory with the help of her father, and Zoe (Note to self - confirm character's name before posting!) tells a lie that might have huge repercussions for the White House.